This course is a comprehensive introduction to development project management. Designed for people who want to build or increase their skills in
project management and who work or are looking to work with international development organizations, donor and public institutions, NGOs, nonprofit and community based organizations, Government and donor agencies, and anyone interested in a career in development project management.
This course will teach you the most important concepts in project management, such as the project life-cycle, process management, roles and responsibilities of a project manager, organizational structures, program and
portfolio management and use of various management techniques. This
course promotes and facilitates a collaborative learning approach in an
online environment. Students participate in discussions as part of the assignments and receive feedback from the course instructor. Students "learn
by doing" through the class exercises while lecture points are reinforced
with class discussions and videos.
Pearl Healthcare Education
At Pearl Healthcare Education, we aim to provide Universities, Nursing and Midwifery Colleges, other relevant organisations and individual users with quality teaching and learning material to support their nursing and midwifery education programme.
We provide bespoke course content, lectures, and notes to support your understanding of the individual modules that you are studying.
Available courses
This course is intended for First year BSc Nursing Students completing the Community Health Nursing I.
This course will introduce the students to the basic concepts of Community Health Nursing with the emphasis on primary health care and environmental effects on health. It will explore the factors influencing the health of an individual, family and community. The students will be able to develop knowledge about Pakistan’s health care system, components of health education, community services and organizations through field visits.